Subject: Re: Endless Install problems w/ 660av
To: NetBSD PortMac68k Mailing List <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/03/2001 12:42:07
Not so long ago Josh Kuperman said:

> It is sort of working now. Well its working well enough so that I'm
> telnetting out to a server I maintain elsewhere to send this
> message. I still intend to reinstall from scratch tomorrow. I still
> can't quite figure where all the networking stuff should actually
> go. Actually If I could figure out how to do a network install and
> have emacs available immediately when the install finished I'd be
> completely happy. (at least for a while)>
> I've determined that my ethernet is detected as mc0. I was able to get
> out by manually issuing the ifconfig and route commands. I also had to
> created resolv.conf.
> The install instructions say to add "ifconfig_mc0="inet .... ". Does
> that create the files, someplace. I couldn't find any files like the
> ones you described. Are they supposed to be in the /etc directory. I
> suspect I'll figure this one out by just going through the rc files.

I think I've covered all this in my First Time Installation guide over at:

That'll also help you with some of the other issues you may have been
having. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

All the best.
