Subject: pkgsrc-mac68k
To: NetBSD Mac68k <>
From: Ron Landrus <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/2000 08:22:50
I am attempting to install some software.

I do;

cd /usr/pkgsrc/www/lynx-current
make fetch-list | sh

I get;

Your package tools need to be updated to 2000/02/02 versions.
The installed package tools were lasst updated on 1999/06/23.
Please make and install the pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install package.
*** Error code 1

*** Error code 1

Ok fine so...
I do;

cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install

I get;

===> Building for pkg_install-20000724
all ===> lib
all ===> add
make: don't know how to make /usr/share/tmac/tmac.andoc. Stop
*** Error code 2

*** Error code 1

Is it possible that I need to install one more of the *.tgz sets? 
Somone suggested that to me earlier, to fix another problem, I was being 
stingy wtih hard drive space when I first installed NetBSD.

(IIsi/1.4.1 Netbsd)
