Subject: Re: ssh-keygen on Mac IIci
To:, <>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/24/2000 15:50:08
At 03:34 PM 11/24/2000 -0800, Paul Goyette wrote:
>Hi, folks,
>I've just finished updating my Mac IIci to NetBSD 1.5K, and I'm trying
>to generate my sshd DSA key.  So far, it's been running for more than 20
>minutes solid.  Is this normal?  Any idea how long it should take before

It took 25 minutes on my 840AV (040@40).
Matt Thomas               Internet:
3am Software Foundry      WWW URL:
Cupertino, CA             Disclaimer: I avow all knowledge of this message