Subject: Re: HP Deskwriter
To: Louis-Philippe Lessard <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/06/2000 00:51:46
On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 10:54:55AM -0500, Louis-Philippe Lessard wrote:
> Does anyone managed to get an original HP Deskwriter working?

Yup.  Here's what I use.  In /etc/printcap:

dw|lp|HP DeskWriter w/ GhostScript:\

The main things to note there are the serial port (tty01, the printer
port), the serial port settings (57600 baud, raw, 8-bit, no parity,
hardware handshaking), and the input filter ("gsif").

In the input filter, don't open the serial port yourself; let lpd do
this with the settings in /etc/printcap.  lpd will then call the filter
with the file to be printed on stdin and the serial port open on
stdout.  My gsif script is a little (overly) complicated, but
basically it boils down to:

  PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin  # and so on...

    gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=$device -sOutputFile=- -

The only real difference between mine and yours is that I use device
djet500 rather than cdjmono, I output to stdout instead of piping to
the serial port, and I don't bother w/ the "setcolortransfer"
postscript snippet (I believe the code you listed sets a gamma for
color devices, which is unnecessary for the b/w DeskWriter).
