Subject: Re: Powerbook 190 install
To: Craig Turner <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/18/2000 14:13:44
At 10:05 AM +0930 10/6/00, Craig Turner wrote:
> o what bsd shall I run (open or net - I know this is religious, I'd

I'm not going to touch that one.  I'd go with net since I'm on the 
NetBSD list and I see a lot of people getting a lot of help here. 
(Well OK, I touched it, but only half of it.)

> o can I get it to run java? (want to use servlets)

Maybe if you work hard enough.  I think Kaffe was the package?  But 
see the next item.

> o is it realistic to run java on it? (compile time, etc)

Probably not.  An old Mac's 68k CPU just isn't in the same ballpark 
as modern SPARC/Alpha/x86/PPC CPUs.  Java adds a lot of overhead.

> o is there a way of setting the machine up without nuking all the data on
>my existing partition? (I'm suspecting not)

Well you need a decent sized ffs partition and probably some swap. 
If you add that externally then maybe you're OK.  (If the external 
SCSI is supported on your model Powerbook that is.)

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