Subject: A few questions --off topic
To: NetBSD mac68k port conference <>
From: Ladislav Popov <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/06/2000 18:12:18
For first I don't know, how to copy text from one terminal window under X
to and other. 

I found under kterm and eterm, that these terminals has on the right side
scrollbar, is any posibility, to get this scrollbar to xterm?

And my last question. I found, why I can't put iso-8859-2 characters from
keyboard. There is no support for this characters in kernel, is somebody
working on this? Or if not, how could I do it myself?



| Ladislav Popov                                                        |
|                                                                       |
| This e-mail was fully written an composed with NetBSD                 |
| Don't panic, I am still beginer                                       |