Subject: Re: AppleShare IP on NetBSD
To: None <>
From: Bruce Anderson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/18/2000 00:42:00
On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 8:31 AM, Ladislav Popov <>
>Hi there,
>I have got a question. My friend has see some AppleShare IP server on
>He forgot the name of this software, but was sure, that the software was
>linux. Did anybody know, if I can find the same software on NetBSD?
>(normal atalkd I have running, but AppleShare IP services isn't supported
>Thanks for answer,

A copy of the latest netatalk+asun source from:

will have IP support.

" Stamp out root login's .  .  .  . su "   --Bruce Anderson  
 This message was created and sent using Cyberdog 2.0, MacOS 8.6,
 awk, find, sed, sendmail, sh, and NetBSD a free Multi-Platform OS.

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