Subject: RE: YA "Cannot mount root" error
To: NetBSD Mailing List (E-mail) <>
From: Brett Kessler <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/23/2000 09:17:02
Colin wrote:

> these all look just fine.  i assume that you've got netbsd installed on
> the 1GB drive?  you are booting from a kernel located on the root
> partition of that drive, right?

The above statements are all true.

> i see you're using the standard ncrscsi kernel.  you might have better
> luck with an SBC kernel.  there should be one somewhere in the 1.4.2
> distribution directory (kern_sbc.tgz?).  please try that one and see if
> it fixes the problem.

I've seen other references to a "kern_sbc.tgz" file, but I can't seem to
find it anywhere... and I've been looking for a couple of hours now.  It's
even listed in the .../NetBSD-1.4.2/mac68k/INSTALL.html file, but the file
itself is nowhere to be found.

For example, here's what I've found in a few different places within the
.../NetBSD-1.4.2/mac68k/ directory tree:


The one in the binary/sets directory (the one I'm currently using) is the
only one that's a tarred & gzipped file; the others are only gzipped.  And
the installer doesn't like that.  Based on that, how can I install the other
kernel?  (I'm assuming it's supposed to be the netbsd.GENERICSBC.gz file.)

Thanks again!
