Subject: Re: Asante MacCon for LC ethernet card problem
To: None <>
From: Clark Martin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/08/2000 17:18:09
>This didn't probe properly with NetBSD 1.4.2 at boot - the memory
>size couldn't be determined.  I swapped it out for a Farallon LC
>ethernet card I had, and the Farallon worked fine.  (This surprised
>me - I always thought of Asante as the best supported ethernet cards
>manufacturer's for NetBSD.)
>The Asante card in question is a "Asante MacCon for LC Rev. D2",
>copyright 1991, with a sticker on one of the chips that reads
>"22-0006-01 LC V1.1 U10-B".  The largest chip is labelled:
>S9148AP C4
>Is this card supported (and this is a bug) or am I the first person
>trying to use this card with NetBSD?

This sounds like an early LC PDS card.  I'm assuming you are NOT using it
in an LC as it has no PMMU.  Later LCs had a somewhat different PDS
interface which doesn't work with all older cards.  I had what is probably
the same card and it didn't work in a Q605.  A newer model card did.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"