Subject: Re: lynx and apache
To: Samad , <>
From: Bradley R. Smith <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/26/2000 17:50:17
Lynx needs libslang. You can download a libslang binary package from the
same place that you got the other pakages. With the libslang* file in
same directory as the lynx* file I think pkg_add will find it and install
it for you. If not you just have to pkg_add libslang first.

At 20:40 4/25/00 -0700, Samad wrote:
>slight modifications to the config file. As for lynx, when I try to install
>the package, I get "(1) add of dependency 'libslang-*' failed!". Can any
>gurus/masters/whoever can help me?