Subject: Re: X window
To: John Pertalion <>
From: Jon Lindgren <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/14/2000 14:16:24
On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, John Pertalion wrote:

> I think this is default for twm.  It's what comes up whenever I run X on
> my Q650/netbsd setup.  The xterms are for general work, the login screen
> can be used for general work, but also logs you out of X

(I'm use to using xdm, so take this with a grain of salt)

This is configurable via /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc - vi the file,
and you'll see that the last few lines launch twm, two xterms, and a clock
IIRC.  I usually just create my own by creating ~/.xinitrc, which usually
looks something like this:

xterm &
xclock &
xwhatever &

This way the wm manages when the X session dies.

This process may be different when using startx, but IIRC it's pretty much
the same.

> Jim Watson wrote:
> > 
> > When I startx I get a Login screen and 2 Xterm screens.  Why am I
> > getting so many screens
> > 
> > also
> > the middle and right buttons on my 3 button mouse do not work. nether do
> > the option right/left arrows...
> > 
> > Anybody got an idea whats wrong...

Perhaps the wrong mouse protocol, but usually that renders the mouse
totally inoperable.  Are you sure it's not just a quirk of twm (I'm not a
twm fan, so I'm guessing on this one)?

Hope this helps,

 "Okay, who hit the scram switch on my coffee machine?"