Subject: Re: Q660AV ethernet question
To: None <,>
From: Salvatore Mancini <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/29/2000 08:29:02
I believe the AV portion of the 660 and the 840 is not in an add-on card
form such as is the case with the AV 7100,8100 etc...

I have recently seen a 660 and it had the av ports and no pds to nubus


ulrich hausmann wrote:

> *IF* it is a 660 AV, isn't it that the pds slot is occupied by the av
> card?
> Salvatore Mancini <> wrote:
> kind regards,
> ulrich
> >I think you really want the 840av. It is the desktop model with 3
> nubus. The
> >660av is the pizzaboxish one with a pds slot(you can adapt this to ONE
> nubus)
> >
> >cheers
> >Sal