Subject: Booting NetBSD 1.4.1 on a IIvx
To: None <>
From: Roger Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/12/2000 17:10:31

I have been running 1.4.1 on a IIcx with no problem, but now I have been
trying to use 1.4.1 on
a IIvx.

If I run with sbc kernel then I get continual messages saying:

sbc0: parity error

what device is sbc0?

If I run with the generic kernel I get tons of the following:

Unexpected phase chnage.
scsi_show: scsi_main is not running
REQ-CONNECTED: 0 0x1550000[8192] cmd[0]=a S=0 Nff R=0 resid=8192 dr_flag=1
Bus signals (7c/00): I/OIC/D|MSG|REG|BSY
Dma status (30): IRQ|EPAR
phase = 0, busy:1, spl:2204
    0    scsi_main5
    1    pdma_cleanup2
    2    scsi_main1
    3    scsi_select
    4    tpio1
    5    tpio2
    6    scsi_select10
    7    info_transf1
    8    tpio1
    9    tpio2
    10   info_transf5
    11   info_transf1
    12   info_transf3
    13   transfer_pdma0
    14   waiting for interrupt.
    15   scsi_main3
    16   scsi_main4
    17   scsi_main5
    18   drq (out)
    19   write complete
    20   read a byte to force a phase change
    21   end drq
    22   irq
    23   pdma_ready0
    24   pdma_ready1

This happens on two QUANTUM drives I have, and I have also tried
initialising one drive from scratch using Apples Drive Setup and MKFS 1.45

Where can I go from here?


Roger Brown