Subject: minimal MacOS
To: None <>
From: Tino Reinhardt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/2000 23:50:27
how to avoid this message while booting the content of a
MacOS 7.6.x rescue-floppy from the harddisk of a PowerBook 520:

"With this system software you can only start from a floppy.
 Please install the whole system from your floppies or cd's
 [snip...] (OK)"

MacOS should be kept as small as possible on this box.

It's partition contains a (German)
- Systemordner (system-folder) with
        - System (916K)
        - Finder (289K)
        - Disk Tools 1 Enabler (2K)
        - Apple-Menu (empty folder)
        - Kontrollfelder (control-fields, empty folder)
        - Preferences (empty folder)
        - Startobjekte (empty folder)
        - Systemerweiterungen (extensions, empty folder)
        - Zeichensaetze (fonts, empty folder)
Booting from floppy instead of harddisk doesn't show any behavior
like this but it's way too slow.

Any hints for a clueless Mac-user? :-)
