Subject: Re(2): Problems installing and booting NetBSD
To: None <>
From: David Zimmer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/28/1999 08:24:15 writes:
>This is just a guess but did you remember to "Build Devices" in the
>Can you break into the debugger (that button on the case, not the reset
>button but the other one (what's that button called?); or Command-Power?)?
>and do a ps command?
Yes I did remember to run the "Build devices" command. I tried your other
idea with the Debugger and the ps command. It worked - here is the output:

PID	PPID	PGRP	UID	S	Flags		Command	wait
4	1	4	0	3	0x86		init		ttyin
3	0	0	0	3	0x2024	reaper	reaper
2	0	0	0	3	0x2024	pagedaemon	daemon_
1	0	1	0	3	0x4084	init		wait
0	-1	0	0	3	0x2024	swapper	schedule

After that I rebooted the machine and went into the Booter program and
disabled the "Serial echo" checkbox in the booter menu. After I did that
the machine did boot. This time it said that some blocks in /dev/sd0f are
corrupted and fsck_ffs did not resolve those problems. So I decided to
reinstall everything from scratch. I am doing so right now.

Thanks for your help.


David A. Zimmer         StudioX GmbH/Alexander & Zimmer GmbH/GIBA Inc.
mailto:            Merchinger Strasse 69          66663 Merzig, Germany
Phone: +49 6861 9312-0         Fax: +49 6861 9312-13
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