Subject: Re: netatalk doesn't work!
To: Sandro Magi <>
From: Charles Sebold <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/27/1999 09:09:25
On Mon, Dec 27, 1999 at 02:46:07PM +0000, Sandro Magi wrote:
> I installed the netatalk package, and configured just how I like it, but 
> whenever I run the rc.atalk script, (even at atartup), the following errors 
> are reported:
> starting appletalk daemons: eon0: disabled.

What's the name of your ethernet device?  (It's usually either ae0 or
sn0, if I remember correctly.)  You may need to throw that into your
atalkd.conf file.  It looks like it's trying to activate atalk on the
"eon0" device.  Not sure what that is.

> And that's it! I am currently running netBSD 1.4.1 with the generic kernel. 
> I am in the process of compiling my own kernel to see if that will remedy 
> the problem. Does anyone else have any solutions or suggestions?

It works fine for me on 1.4, and I don't think I even changed
anything.  What machine is this?  What ethernet card are you using (if
it's not built-in)?

Charles Sebold, UNIX Systems Specialist                LCMS Unix site:
LCMS - Office of Information Systems             
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