Subject: Re: help : system does not come up
To: None <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/10/1999 23:00:03
marc wrote:
> hello all
> I'm new on netbsd, another linux-like i want to try.
> I already use Linux PPC on a Mac G3 and Redhat on a 486.
> Once I have done all what is explained in the  "INSTALL.html" help file, and
> trying to boot it seems to begin the boot correctly, fulling an entire screen of
> messages that i understand as correct
> But it stops with these 3 last lines below and remain freezed in this state.
> what does it mean ? WHat is this dump process ? is it OK ? is this dump process
> or the following one that does not succeed ??
> Thanks for help .
>      ....
>      fpu0 at mainbus0 (emulator)
>      boot device : sd1
>      root on sd1a dumps on sd1b
> NetBSD/Mac68k Installer1 version 1.1 g,
> NETBSD 1.4 (generic)
> hardware : mac LC II (68030) , real mem : 10485760, avail mem : 6508544

try booting with the GENERICSBC kernel instead of the GENERIC kernel.
that should solve the problem....

i hope this helps.

