Subject: Re: Incorrect date
To: None <>
From: Lars M. Gustafsson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/19/1999 08:14:39
My ci (NetBSD 1.3) loose aprox. 17 sec/day , but the following line in 
crontab takes care of it:
15 6 * * *  /usr/sbin/ntpdate | mail -s 'tiden 
uppdaterad' root

So i get this msg via mail:
19 Aug 06:15:20 ntpdate[23390]: step time server offset 
16.892912 sec

It's about the same offset every day.

I tested because it's the timeserver MacOS uses to
sync the time. I didn't know if it was the correct type of server for 
but i guess some guesses are lucky. :-)

Keep it up,

My NetBSD MacIIci, running web,mail and FTP server has been up for 177 
with virtually no hassle.... just love it.

>My Quadra 700 (8/250, GENERIC, NetBSD 1.4) has been left up or few days at 
>a time and doesn't seem to lose a significant amount of time,
>less than a minute. It was mostly idle during those periods.

"What is your one purpose in life ?"
"To explode of course"
--  Antiloop, Purpose in life