Subject: Re: First BSD system
To: None <>
From: Ulrich Hausmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/05/1999 18:50:29

if memory not fails, the LC (and many, but not all LCII) only had 2 MB ram
onboard. In this case the possibly ram configurations are, 2 MB, 4 MB 2 x
1MB in the simm slots), 6 MB (2 x 2 MB), 10 MB (2 x 4MB). BUT: the LCs
might result as 8 MB machines, because there isn't enabled in the Memory
control panel the 32b it addressing option. Thsi, obviously, is true for
all the other machines as well (I think the last OS, which offered the
option to choose between 24bit and 32bit addressing was 7.5.5.).

Kind regards, Ulrich

At 22:43 Uhr on 04.06.1999, Michael G. Schabert wrote:

> Actually, THE LCs have 4 MB soldered to the motherboard, with 2 slots. So,
> if it's got 8 MB, there's only 4 MB that you can cannibalize. Then again,
> you'd be leaving it with enough to still be a usable system anyway :).