Subject: RE: lrz (was RE: ZTerm)
To: None <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/04/1999 01:32:37
>On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Steve Allen wrote:
>> (Catching up on mail backlog....)
>> On May 31,  7:55am, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
>> >
>> >The rz/sz man page used to say "rz/sz is meant to work with comm
>> >programs, no act like one." At least I thought it was in the man page,
>> >but I can't find it there now, either. Sorry.
>>           This program uses error correcting protocols to receive
>>           files over a dial-in serial port from a variety of programs
>>           running under PC-DOS, CP/M, Unix, and other operating
>>           systems.  It is invoked from a shell prompt manually, or
>>           automatically as a result of an "sz file ..." command given
>>           to the calling program.
>Yeah. I missed the part about Zterm. "kermit" is the answer to the
>wrong question.
>I used to use Zterm to download _from_ a FreeBSD machine over modem to
>a Mac, but I got bothered by the fact that Zterm would hang up the
>phone whenever you opened a menu. Zmodem was nice, in that you could
>resume downloading an interrupted transfer, except that you often
>ended up with a corrupted file. PPP-Ftp-Telnet are just so much nicer.

I've used Zterm for years & I've never had it hang up when I used a menu. I
used to use it on my Mac SE with a 1200bps modem back when that was blazing
speed, & I've used it more recently with an ISDN TA.

I run NetBSD on an alphastation, & use zterm as serial console. I changed
ttys so that I can have the connection at 57600 instead of the default 9600
specifically so that I could transfer files between the two systems faster.
(Well, actually, I did it so that I could transfer files to a buddy's PC
laptop before he had an Ethernet PC card)

I've installed much software using lrzsz with no trouble. I must admit that
I usually go it the other direction (from MacOS to NetBSD), but I have
transferred binaries with lrz. You shouldn't need more than just the zterm
and lrzsz package in order to get it to work. Make sure that you have HH
cables. Since I'm going between a PC-style seial port & a Mac serial port
(GeoPort, Quadra 840AV), I use a Mac modem cable on the Mac end, a PC modem
cable on the NetBSD end, & a null modem adapter in between the two modem
cables. I've never touched the -b option, or any other flags. I just type
lsz <filename> or lrz & then go to zterm & tell it to send...the files are
received automagically. I believe that I'd tried going it at 115.2kbps, but
either the alpha or my friend's PC didn't like that, so I backed down to

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