Subject: Re: Sonic Systems ethernet cards
To: None <>
From: Joe Laffey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/1999 12:40:21
On Thu, 3 Jun 1999, Colin Wood wrote:

> Joe Laffey wrote:
> > 
> > I have NetBSD running on a Q700 and love it. I would like to put it on a
> > Performa 476. This machine has a full 68040 that I put in it (swapped the
> > chip). This machine also has an ethernet card in the PDS slot (I think).
> > The card is made by Sonic Systems. 
> > 
> > Does anyone know if this setup will/might work?
> it certainly might...try booting a kernel from the macos.  if it gets to
> the point of trying to mount a root filesystem, and if it recognizes your
> ethernet card, it'll probably work.

Two questions... You can boot directly from MacOS without having to setup
the partitions and everything? (If so, please direct me toward the docs on

What would the designation of the above mentioned ethernet card be? On my
Q700 it's sn0


Joe Laffey
LAFFEY Computer Imaging
St. Louis, MO
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