Subject: RE: kernel
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Guy Santiglia <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/01/1999 00:51:11
  I tried that delay(2000) and 4000 without the DEGUG and it booted farther
with 4000.  I got as far as my xdm login screen and then left me with
a frozen keboard. (couldn't login)  so now I'm trying 5000 to see what happens.
When I tried 2000 it froze at the same old spot "adbo at obio0"
It does seem to have an effect.


> Please try this: Back up /usr/src/sys/arch/mac68k/dev/adb_direct.c.
> Find the line that says `delay(3000);'--it's line 2037 in my file. Try
> some different numbers here. I've gotten results by changing it to
> 2000, or 4000. Once you have built a kernel configured to hang, you
> would only have to change the file, cd to your compile directory, and
> "make". It pulls in the one change, and fairly quickly makes a new
> kernel with only a few bytes different than the old one. What I've
> done in the past is copy a bunch of them to root (with different
> names), and tried them one after the other.
> It would be really interesting to find a narrow range where it fails
> consistently. I haven't found time to do this yet myself. In addition,
> independent confirmation would be nice. For your effort, you might
> even get a working kernel without all the DEBUG baggage.

Guy Santiglia  Quadra 610, 50 MHZ, NetBSD 1.4!
South Korea