Subject: lrz (was RE: ZTerm)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/31/1999 11:35:09
Dear all,

Does anybody here have experience using lrz? I've been able to send a couple
of text files using the ZMODEM protocol, but no luck at all sending binaries
(using the -b option). Sending text files often fails as well (usually about
10% of the file gets sent and then nothing more happens - Zterm just keeps
retrying). I've tried setting ZTerm's Window param to 2048 (as its docs
suggest), and also setting the -w option in lrz accordingly, but with no
luck. After one failed transfer, I can't transfer anything else to the
NetBSD box using ZMODEM until I reboot it.

Does anybody have a setup that works?



>On Tue, 25 May 1999 09:21:14 +0200, wrote:
>> Is it at all possible to send files to a NetBSD box from a ZTerm serial
>> console? I run NetBSD on a IIci, but I found that the internal video is
>> terribly brilliant using the cmd line. When editing a command, the screen
>> isn't refreshed, and so I run the II as a monitorless, keyboardless box
>> I connect to using an LC475 next door. It would be very useful to have
>> way of transferring files from the 475 to the II using the serial
>> connection. Is this at all possible?

>lrzsz from pkgsrc (or precompiled binary package).