Subject: Re: Can't install any package
To: None <>
From: D. Gassen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/26/1999 03:42:46
Thanks for your suggestions.

Paul Goyette wrote:
> The command
>         find . -name "*install*"
> will not find files that start with `.'  Names that start with `.' are
> "hidden" and don't show up unless you explicity look for them.  If you
> use the command

Is this for sure? If I do
		find . -name "*default*"
in my home directory I get the following:
| [dirk@koala dirk]$ find . -name "*default*"
| ./.Xdefaults
| ./.Xdefaults.orig
That's why I tried to search for files which contain "install" ("*install*").

> To install the pkgtools package, you should cd to the top directory of
> the package:
>         cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools
> and then
>         make clean && make install
> If that doesn't work, send us _everything_ that shows up on your
> terminal window.  EVERYTHING!

I'm sorry, it didn't work. Here is my session:
| [dirk@koala dirk]$ su
| Password:
| bash# cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools
| bash# ls -a
| .            CVS          README.html  nohup.out    pkg         
pkglibtool   url2pkg
| ..           Makefile     ftp          pax          pkg_install 
pkglint      xpkgwedge
| bash# make clean && make install
| ===> package pkglibtool
| ===>  Cleaning for pkglibtool-1.2p1
| ===> package pkglint
| ===>  Cleaning for pkglint-1.70
| ===> package url2pkg
| ===>  Cleaning for url2pkg-1.3
| bash# cd /usr/pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/
| bash# ls -a
| .        ..       CVS      Makefile files    pkg      work
| bash# make clean && make install
| ===>  Cleaning for pkg_install-19990412
| bash# cd ../../editors/xemacs20/      
| bash# make 
| >> Checksum OK for xemacs-20.4.tar.gz.
| >> Checksum OK for xemacs-20.4-info.tar.gz.
| ===>  Extracting for xemacs-20.4
| Your package tools need to be updated to 1999/04/12 versions.
| The installed package tools were last updated on 1999/01/19.
| Please make and install the pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install package.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| *** Error code 1
| Stop.
| bash# 
"make clean" and "make" do work as I expect but "make install" doesn't
give any output. If I remember there should be output that indicates
what is installed and where.

I did use the package system successfully before I tried "sup" to update
the package tree. I used the following commands:
| bash# sup -v sup_pkgsrc 
The file "sup_pkgsrc" contains:
| current release=pkgsrc hostbase=/ftp/pub/NetBSD \
| base=/usr prefix=/usr backup use-rel-suffix compress

Thanks for any hints,
D. Gassen