Subject: Re: secure telnet
To: port-mac68k <>
From: Rolf Braun <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/28/1998 22:52:22
>BetterTelnet now supports ssh, but it's implementation is rather bad at the
>last time i checked (then again, it had just been put in then). perhaps
>it's changed since then.  when i checked, BetterTelnet required you to save
>the hostname, username and password in the preferences, which i didn't like
>at all.  however, BetterTelnet is released with it's full source, so
>there's nothing to complain about.

I'd like to respond to this (albeit a little late :), not to defend the
primitive nature of BetterTelnet/SSH, but because it contains an inaccurate
statement. <soapbox> Yes, in the current build, you do have to enter the
username in the preferences. ***However, of course you do not have to enter
your password there. You will be prompted for it at runtime if
necessary.*** </soapbox>

<clarification relevance=maybe-slightly-off-topic> I'd like to be able to
support BetterTelnet/SSH, but <soapbox> due to export regulations (<hint>
call your congresscritter </hint>) (and possible patent problems not using
RSAREF?) I can't do so. The export regulations prevent me from even
_trying_ to publically distribute the software given what happened to Phil
Zimmermann and the like. I don't want an NSA/Customs legal problem. That's
why the public release of SSH for BetterTelnet has been indefinitely
delayed. </soapbox> I am working on it slowly on the side for my own secure
login needs. </clarification>

- Rolf Braun - -
- Sassy Software: cool software for your Macintosh or Apple IIgs
- Rolf's HTML & Stuff: creative web design for less

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