Subject: Re: HELP! Filesysem corruption
To: Ed D. Wright <>
From: Paul Forgey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/23/1998 21:42:31
The drive has been low level formatted, and passes integrity checks (and, by
the way, has NEVER given me grief running System 7).

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed D. Wright <>
To: Paul Forgey <>
Cc: NetBSD-mac68k <>
Date: Sunday, August 23, 1998 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: HELP! Filesysem corruption

>To:  Paul Forgery
>From:  Ed Wright JPL
>I had major corruption problems with my APS quantum drive.  I had
>to reformat and repartionion the drive after the partition map
>proved to be "unstable."  The Apple AUX 3.0 HD Setup application did
>the job for me.  My system now runs, though I have yet to get X
>windows active... but that's not a drive problem.
>As always,
>Ed Wright JPL
>NAIF Team