Subject: Re: Apache as a daemon (bit offtopic)
To: <>
From: Dave Schmitt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/17/1998 16:41:59
On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Henry B. Hotz wrote:

> At 8:36 AM -0700 8/17/98, David A. Gatwood wrote:
> >BTW, why are you running it under inetd?  httpd was designed primarily to
> >run as a background daemon, and it's much more efficient that way (less
> >disk/processor intensive, etc., since it doesn't have to spawn a new httpd
> >process every time you get a web hit).  Just wondering.
> That's true, but it soaks up a fair amount of swap space.  inetd lets it
> use zero resources while not in use, but a connection startup has more
> overhead.

Also note the following from <URL:>:

   Inetd is the lesser used of the two options. For each http connection
   received, a new copy of the server is started from scratch; after the
   connection is complete, this program exits. There is a high price to
   pay per connection, but for security reasons, some admins prefer this
   option. Inetd mode is no longer recommended and does not always work
   properly. Avoid it if at all possible.

When I have run apache, my needs are simple so I follow their advice and
stick w/ the more efficient and reliable standalone.

Dave Schmitt <>