Subject: Re: Apps
To: Pilots Fan <>
From: Dr. Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/17/1998 13:27:00
On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Pilots Fan wrote:

> Is there an ftp set aside for MacBSD ports of popular apps like pine and 
> pico?  I installed the comp.tgz set, but cc and gcc are never found.  
> Therefore, nothing will compile.  I tried making a symbolic link to gcpp 
> and cpp, but neither worked.  Whats the secret?

NetBSD uses what's called the package system, which is a re-named version
of FreeBSD's ports (ports to NetBSD mean different machine architectures).

ftp://ftp.netbsd.prg/pub/NetBSD/packages/ has both the source for
packages, and pre-compiled packages, for many releases.

Also, the NetBSD 1.3.2 CD set has all the packages on disk 2, though you
still have to compile them. As the patching is automatic, all it takes is
time. Oh, you would have to download the source for packages you wanted to
compile which we couldn't legally stick on the CD.

As Colin said, cc should be in /usr/bin. Hmmm.

Take care,
