Subject: MMU Table Conversion
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: I-Jong Lin <ijonglin@EE.Princeton.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/29/1998 13:26:44
> I-Jong,
> Just about everything is covered there except the conversion of the MMU map
> from '030 mode (with early termination entries) to '040 mode (which doesn't
> accept early termination entries -- directly).
> I'm assuming that you have the docs for 68030 and/or 68040, which includes
> the MMU stuff.  You'll probably need to read about how 68030 MMU tables are
> built, then write a routine that takes different memory areas and builds
> 68040 MMU tables.

Dear Kernel-Hackers,

   I need to convert at 68030 MMU table to 68040 MMU memory to turn
on my accelerator.  Anybody have some prefab stuff that I could use?
