Subject: -current breakage
To: NetBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael R. Zucca <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/19/1998 17:23:42
Ok, I recently tried to upgrade and I thought I'd go with a -current setup.
That is, until it just wouldn't work. So I downgraded to a 1.3.2 sbc setup.

For those who don't know I'm running a IIvx with 20 megs RAM, a 1 Gig
Quantum Fireball, an ae compatible ethernet card and a Daystar 040 accelerator.

It looks like we've got some serious problems. First, the hwdirect ADB stuff
seems to have a bug. When I boot with a Power Computing keyboard and an
Apple 1 button mouse the kernel hangs at ADB initialization. Unplug the
mouse and try the boot again and it gets past ADB. If I take out my accelerator
I can't boot even with just the keyboard. Looks to me like it's something
timing related.

I also think UVM is toasted. Trying to boot with the last snapshot kernel
worked but after a little bit of playing around in single user mode,
like trying to run vi, would crash the system. Somtimes the part of the file
system would be munged. One time the file system was trashed so bad the
installer crashed trying to access it and I had to reformat the partition.

Once I had a working 1.3.2 setup going I compiled with SBC/MRG/old VM and that
setup works without a hitch....Hmmm. I wonder what's broken?

 Michael Zucca - -
 "I will choose a path that's clear. I will choose Freewill. "
  --Rush, Freewill