Subject: Re: [Fwd: mount_ext2fs]
To: <>
From: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/15/1998 19:40:03
At 2:49 Uhr +0200 15.07.1998, brian wildasinn wrote:
>Can I compile a kernel from sources of netbsd-1.3.1 running on a
>netbsd-1.3 system?

Sure. The 1.3.x releases are maintenance/bugfix releases that did not
change any vital interfaces.

>Doing a full install of netbsd-1.3.2 over older versions takes me a
>long time as I only know how to do that from the Mac-side installer
>tools, and have only used the ftp way for packages. Which is a real
>pitty since I've dedicated a roomy 750 Megs to netbsd on  a gig hard disk.

What's wrong with transferring the 1.3.2 binary tarballs to the NetBSD side
and "tar --unlink -zxpf XXX.tgz" them in single user mode?

>Has netbsd's site been set up to handle remote commands to build
>custom kernels which are then ftp'd?

Not that I know of.


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)