Subject: patching kernel tree
To: Ken Nakata <>
From: Armen Babikyan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/28/1998 20:39:00
>> Hmm, is there somewhere i can get the source tree of the 1.3.1 kernel at
>> around the time the 1.3.1 snapshot was made?
>The 1.3.1 snapshot?  It's 1.3.1 *release*, actually, and you can get
>the 1.3 source and the 1.3-to-1.3.1 diffs.

Okay, I got the NetBSD-1.3-1.3.1.sys.diff.gz file and ungzipped it

I'm not quite sure what to do next. When I changed pwd to /usr/src (my
syssrc tree is /usr/src/sys ) and ran "patch < *diff" I got an error like
"Hmm...  Looks like a new-style context diff to me..."

does this mean my version of patch is too old? my system is a NetBSD 1.3.1
snapshot system.  I'm probably not using patch correctly or something.

If anyone can give me any more pointers on applying this patch, I'd be most

thanks a lot!

  - a