Subject: Re: Radius Rocket 33
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: E. Seth Miller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/21/1998 17:47:24
On Wed, 13 May 1998, Erik E. Fair wrote:

> At 12:54 -0700 5/13/98, Michael R Zucca wrote:
> >Can you imagine a Q950 with 6 Rockets in it? :)
> think: parallel make!
> In principle, you could do this sort of thing with various PC cards for
> Macintosh, too. Imagine running NetBSD on both the Motorola CPU, and the
> Intel CPU...

As the owner of a Performa 640 (the 630 with a DOS card bastardized into
it), I have to admit that would be neat.  I can't imagine it being all
that likely to happen, though...  IIRC, the DOS card is looking for MS-DOS
6.22, and while it's somewhat willing to put up with Win95, it doesn't
want to consider NT, OS/2 or Linux (so I'm sick, and I like beating on my
computers).  I wouldn't be surprised if what would need to be written was
a special form of NetBSD-i386.  I can't imagine that there would be all
that much interest, so I doubt that it will ever happen...  Of course, I'd
be willing to settle for a way under NetBSD to still access the DOS card. 
It'd be rather neat to be able to switch back and forth between Unix and
its retarded cousin, DOS.  (As if I don't type ls often enough at DOS
	Okay, back to reality.

	-Seth Miller