Subject: Re: Getting a Q950 running
To: Eric Damien Berna <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/08/1998 16:38:13
> I have a Quadra 950 at my disposal. I'd like to get it running NetBSD as an
> Internet server (web, email, ftp).


> The major stumbling block for this computer is ADB and serial due to the
> special I/O processors.

Right.  Unfortunately, you need one or the other to get booted,
normally.  If the "compatibility mode" for the serial ports works,
then you might be able to get the thing running under the serial

> If I turn on serial console, the 950 stops right after the kernel is loaded
> to RAM, so I'm guessing that the serial ports are the problem.

Maybe.  I think that the screen isn't updated if you boot with the
serial console.  (That used to be the case a long time ago--I don't
recall if that was changed).

> version of the kernel should I use? What other pit falls will I encounter?
> Does anybody think this will work? Does anybody want to help?

I'd go with current (although we've apparently got a vm-related problem
in -current at the moment) or with 1.3.1.  They should be roughly
equivalent on the Q950.

As Colin mentioned, you should use an internal drive on the Q950.  If I
had a 900 or a 950 for a couple of hours, I could probably get the
external bus (esp1) working fully.  I haven't considered it a priority
since we still need to get around the IOPs[*].

If there's anything I can do to help, let me know.  Especially if you
can get started on the boot with the serial console (and the serial port
set in compatibility mode).


[*] There is still a chance that I can get some actual documentation on
    IOPs.  I dropped it for a couple of months, but I'm trying to move
    on it again.

                    Allen Briggs -