Subject: Re: X-Server ?
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/30/1998 10:19:57
On Wed, 29 Apr 1998 18:43:36 -0400 (EDT),
Nathan Raymond <> wrote:
> Unfortunately, Apple didn't design the Q700 video circuitry to do 16-bit,
> only 1,2,4,8, and 24.

Doh!  Unfortunately, X11R6.3 stock server code seems to have problems
in 24-bit color (that's why OSFA's broken in 24-bit mode), and fixing
it doesn't look like a trivial task.  Maybe I should pull in some
XFree86 server code for 24-bit support.

So, for the time being, Q700 user's only choice is to put up with gray
scale, or to get a NuBus video card and run Paul's SLOTMAN kernel to
get 8-bit PseudoColor.

BTW, on my Q840av, pixels are 4-byte long (32-bit) in 24-bit mode.  Is
it the case with other 24-bit internal videos/NuBus cards?  A simple
test can be done by booting NetBSD in "24-bit" color mode and
observing the boot message.

If you see something like:

intvid0: 1152 x 870, 0 color
it means pixel size is 32-bit (intvid* may be macvid* depending on
your video hardware).

