Subject: Re: Ethernet card questions
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/28/1998 18:38:38
On Tue, 28 Apr 1998, Eric Damien Berna wrote:

> I don't have a MacWarehouse catalog to check, but I'm guessing that the
> cards you see pictured are PCI cards. PCI is the primary expansion bus for
> new Apple hardware and is very popular on other manufacturers' computers.
> PCI cards and PDS cards use the cheap edge of the epoxy circuit board
> connectors, which is why they look similar.

Unless they've started making PCI connectors attached at right angles to
the actual card and the connector consists of three rows of 32 pins, it's
a PDS interface.  I can see confusing PCI and NuBus or the nefarious Comm
Slot, but processor-direct is pretty distinctive.  And I'm not sure what
you mean by 'cheap edge'.