Subject: How to add big pakages on small disks ?
To: Port Mac68k NetBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Vincent BARAT <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/16/1998 10:01:28
Hi !

This week I tried to install a big package (xemacs-20.3) on my small disk (55
Mo free).
But I ran into troubles because pkg_add try to unpack first the package in
before copying each file at the disired location. So, my disk as not enough

Is there a way to tell pkg_add to extract in place ? (I've tried @option
but with this option, the archive is extracted is /tmp and not copied).

Another thing... Is there a mac68k package containign "qt", because I plan to
install kde
and I have found everything but "qt" ?

Thanks !

Vincent BARAT

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