Subject: Re: Formac Pro 33 LC on LCII
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andre Nuendel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/11/1998 11:55:53
Henry B. Hotz wrote:

>>panic: zero divide
>>Stopped at   _Debugger  +0x6:   unlk  a6
>>and sits there.
>I probably can't help, but if you do a 't' here you get a traceback of the
>subroutine call stack which could be helpful to someone else.

Ok, here is what I get:

_Debugger (3, daebc 91338, 9101a, 0) + 6
_panic (9101a, 0, 400, 2, 6b97600) + 40
_trap (3,0,0) + 1e6
fault (6b97600, 2, daf74, 9a424, 0) + c
_ufs_root (6b97600, a6a68) + 20
_main () + 3d6
_main () + 3d6

If someone can help now, please let me know.
