Subject: Re: Problem with Sonic and rarp/bootp
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/06/1998 19:33:36
On Fri, 6 Mar 1998 20:55:56 +0300 (MSK),
"Andrey E. Lerman" <> writes:
> I'm using OpenTransport v1.1.1 (on System 7.5.1).

Well, my point is sn driver can't know that.  Since behavior was
changed as of OT 1.1.1, whether sn driver conforms to the old way or
the new way, it will probably make someone unhappy (some of us
including me are still reluctant to use OT to begin with).

> Tried this... Now bootp server accepts both hw addresses and returns
> the same IP for both. But this doesn't change anything, still errors with
> NetBSD while it perfectly working with MacOS.

Good.  It's clear that the problem is not related to bootp now...

> In my case the card is able to send packets. I can see messages that
> bootpd successufully answered to request. Problem with receiving...

Your bootp server can see the packet, yet you get "Tx - timeout"s?
That's weird.  It sounds as if the SONIC chip can read the buffer but
cannot write.

> Can you build kernel with these modifications for my card?

Even if I did, it wouldn't work.  First, your card has to be
identified as Apple Ethernet NB TP.  Second, even if it were
identified as such, I don't know the address (offset) of the on-board

Anyway, first thing first, please download Slots from the following
URL, run it on your system, write down the output by hand (it can be
quite lengthy, though), and send it to me or the list.

(Yeah, I know it's also somewhere on puma, but from Russia might be faster...)

We need the output for the particular slot number where your Ethernet
card is installed.  But we don't need the output for your video, etc.
