Subject: RE: I can't access to modem by iij-ppp
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/28/1998 16:53:00
>On Sat, 28 Feb 1998 wrote:>

>[why use iij-ppp]

> I want to use ip-nat.

>You do know that ipnat comes with NetBSD 1.3, don't you? Though I've not
>gotten it working, I think that's more an issue of pilot error than
>anything else.

>Take care,


Yes , Now I useing pppd and ipnat.
It's OK. and good working.

But, Now My Q630 is no monitor. so I want more protocol . VOD,REAL

I  don't have the  kowhow througt those protocol ,if  I use ipnt.

I find www that write iij-ppp and nat.  This page written iij-ppp can  
some protocol. So I want to use.

Perhapse, IPNAT use some protocol but I don't know how to setting up.