Subject: Serial Chips in different models
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/23/1998 19:22:19
I'm trying to figure out which models have which serial chips in them, and
their max baud rates.

I'd appreciate it if y'all could help me fill in the following info:

Mac model:
Serial Chip Model:
Max Baudrate:

You can get the Max Baudrate from ZTERM, and a few other programs. Though
be careful, a bunch of programs will lie low. The number should be 57600,
115200, or 230400 baud. If your terminal emulator says something lower,
it's lying.

Chip models I expect to see (you'll have to open the computer to be sure, 
don't bother if you're uncomfortable about this):

Zilog 8530	This chip is about 1 cm on a side
AMD   8530	Same as above
Zilog 8580	This chip is more like 1.5 to 2 cm on a side, and is also
		the SCSI interface

The serial chip will be near the serial ports.

Datapoints I already have:

Mac II, IIci: 8530
Mac IIsi      8580
Quadra 650:   8530	Z0853008VSC

The full icky chip number is fine.

Please reply to just me.

Take care,
