Subject: Re: Looking for an editor with pretty printing..
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Brian C. Grayson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/20/1998 16:19:35
Colin Wood wrote:
> Chris Jewell wrote:
> > Are there any X editors out ther that do the pretty printing stuff?  Like
> > fonts, font sizes, bold face, italics, etc.  I tried to install this one
> > called e93 but the install kept bombing on me and part of ity had to do
> > with TCL even though I installed its latest version (7.6) according to the
> > INSTALL directions.
> I think that Emacs has some elisp module which will do pretty printing
> based on font-lock mode, I think.

  And if you are a vi user, you can use vim-5.0 or higher, which
supports syntax highlighting in color-xterm windows and on, for
example, the i386 pcvt console.  It also supports arbitrary
X11 fonts in the GUI version (gvim), which pops up its own window
a la Emacs.  I've been using vim-5.0m for months, while
vim-5.0x is the latest.  (A new snapshot is done about every week
or two.)

for the whole mirror list and other details.

  For those of you in North America, here's the UIUC mirror:

  It doesn't appear anyone has yet made a pkg for vim,

Brian Grayson (
Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Texas at Austin
Office:  ENS 406       (512) 471-8011
Finger for PGP key.