Subject: Re: Re:re: don't log as root...
To: Mirel Slavuteanu <>
From: J. Benedict <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/1998 09:41:46
>I would come with a "neewbee" ideea:
>What if some of the GURUs of the list would e-mail me some practical
>hints & tips to may "assamble" a correct "First time user guide" to
>BSD-Mac ? 

IMHO, Mark Andres has pretty much assembled such a thing on his page.  It's
very good and easy to read.  Here's the URL:

One thing to remember is that , with our good friend UN*X, things must be
experienced hands-on before it really sinks in.  The neat thing about
MacBSD (and all the free Un*ces) is that it costs next to nothing to do the
hacking right at home.  Imagine in the "bad old days" before Linux,
FreeBSD, NetBSD et. al. when a person who wanted to try to be their own
sysadmin would have to spend upwards of a $1000 for a Un*x OS or have an
account on a university machine which wouldn't allow then to really root
about in the bowels of the OS.

I really like NetBSD and really appreciate those who know more than I do
about Un*x because I'm learning more every day without spending a huge
amount of money.  I'm using an old IIcx that was unused in a closet, I
bought a used 1 Gb drive for 100, 16 megs of RAM to make 20 total for 60
and 45 for a Mac Mono Monitor and I'm in business- 205 dollars.  Adding a
used Ethernet card bumps it up to 225 and puts the machine on the net! 
Here in Seattle, people spend that much on *coffee* in a couple of
months!!! ;)

  If I really get the hang of this, I might upgrade to faster hardware and
might stay with NetBSD but I don't know right now...

I guess the jist of this is that there really can't be a "complete" how-to
on MacBSD more than what Mark has provided on his page.  The hands-on work
has to be done...


Jeff Benedict - - "Too Much is Not Enough"