Subject: Re: Clock on a P475
To: Justin R. Smith <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/14/1998 18:27:24
Justin R. Smith wrote:
> I'm running NetBSD 1.3 on a Performa 475 (with a 68040) and the clock never
> seems to be properly set (in fact I always get a message saying the the
> PRAM time was no properly read at boot). This is a minor annoyance, but
> does anyone have a suggestion?

3 questions:

1) Do you have the date, time, and timezone correctly set under MacOS?
2) Do you have "Auto-set GMT Bias" selected in the Booter's Booting
   Options dialog?
3) Is /etc/localtime a copy of or point to the proper timezone file under

Although NetBSD/mac68k is notorious for losing clock interrupts (and thus
clock time), it should be quite capable of keeping proper time until after
boot.  One of the 3 items above is probably incorrectly configured.

I hope this helps.


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.