Subject: Re: evil mkfs
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Peter Abrahamsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/10/1997 18:23:00

I now have bsd booted, and it looks fairly happy (i.e. not a single error).
*sigh*, forgot to copy bash in, but 's easily fixed. I am now configuring with
your ppp settings, and wishing that I had kept my old settings :)
I remember someone saying something about a color shell, or color kernel, or
soemthing. Is this available, or do I simply need to turn off the resolution
change in the booter?
I am also interested in helping out whoever that was test out an X server for
bsd, although I'm probably no good for anything but a guinnea pig.

Thankyou again for your prompt, efficient responses,


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