Subject: Re: evil mkfs
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Peter Abrahamsen <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/10/1997 16:00:57
Ay, so here's an update. mkfs worked, yes, after formatting it. The type is
now (and was before) UNIX_SRV2, but whatever. The installer (1.1f is the one I
used, I think) worked pretty well, except for a crash somewhere between the
last bit of misc and the first bit of secr. "oh well," says I, "whatever." I
reboot, install the remaining packages, and all seems well. I build the
devices, hop into the minishell, copy in a few proggies (bash, pico, lynx,
wrstuden.ppp.setup, etc), and put GENERIC-45 and GENERICSBC-45 at /netbsd and
/netbsd-sbc respectively. The booter is configured as follows:
kernel in: netbsd
kernel name: netbsd
partition: NetBSD Root
ID: 3
Execute (or something): YES
Ask: Yes (tried no, also)
RAM: Autosizing at 17mb
don't disable video board stuff: no
GMT: auto
debugging info: no
dump env: yes

There are a few things that happen, depending on what I do. With the above, it
will complain that the kernel is not in a form that it can execute. If I
select netbsd-sbc, it merely crashes. booting the kernel from the macos does
the same thing. I downloaded the kernels in Binary format with Anarchie. I
even tried downloading them again, to no avail. I got 'em at or something pretty close to
that. Once I got the booter to merely give me that same error at scsiread()
#5. I can only try booting a couple times before it crashes.
BTW, at what point do I set up the swap and usr partitions? (i.e. tell fstab
or whatever where they are) perhaps the installer did this, and I just forgot.
Thanks to both of you that responded about the cross-compiling and
cohabitation between linux/ppc and netbsd/mac68k. I will be able to try
installing the linux/ppc stuff monday night; I didn't get enough time to
download all of the binaries for it last time I had access to that machine.

Thanks to all, again!


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