Subject: Re: Printing via appletalk-ethernet bridge?
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/30/1997 12:27:30
> Good news. Is netatalk part of 1.2.1 or will I have to build it separately?

Netatalk has two parts, neither of which is in 1.2(.1).

The kernel part went into NetBSD in April of this year, and will be in
1.3. There were 1.2 patches, but a number of bugs got fixed in getting
in into the tree, and those fixes weren't back-propogated to 1.2.

The user land part is Netatalk 1.4b2 w/ patches. The patched userland is
on puma, and the patches are in Adrian Sun's AppleshareIP patches. I
don't think Netatalk will make it into NetBSD. I think it will, though,
make it into the pkg system, and it might also make it into the
othersrc section (?, like where XFree is).

Take care,
