Subject: Re: PAP in ppp, help!
To: brian wildasinn <>
From: Jeffrey Ohlmann <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/08/1997 17:05:30
On Mon, 8 Sep 1997, brian wildasinn wrote:

> Using ZTerm here's what my school's computer says:
>    ---------------example #1:
>    AT&FE1V1Q0&A3&B1&H1&R2&D0&C1x450
>    AutoProtocolDefect - Begin protocol or enter 4 returns for
> interactive
>    mode.

	This is the important part.  The terminal server is waiting for
one of two things: for your machine begin PPP (that's the AutoDetect part
-- unless it seriously is saying "AutoDefect".  Then maybe it's ...
defective), or for four returns.  You don't want to give it four returns,
you want NetBSD to recognize this text stream as its cue to begin PPP.

	Here is my ppp-up file, verbatim.  I know it works because I am
connected from my Mac using NetBSD: 

/usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty00 19200 connect '/usr/sbin/chat -v "" ATZ OK
ATDT372-8452 "CONNECT 19200 bgnet 14400\r \r\r\r\r AutoProtocolDetect -
Begin protocol or enter 4 returns for interactive mode.\r"' crtscts
defaultroute noipdefault modem remotename * user jaohlma

	You should recognize some elements in this file as similar to what
you are seeing when you use ZTerm.  (If there are elements you don't
recognize at all, then I'm afraid you really do need to read some more man
pages, or at least some kind of reference.  It will help you out in the
long run.)  What you need to do is substitute your particulars for mine
(i.e., modem init and dial string, your domain and user name). 

	You also need the pap-secrets file, which has the format

		user   server     secret       address (optional)

My pap-secrets file, minus of course the actual secrets, is as follows:

#user   server     secret       address (optional)
my-login * my-password

	Again, substitute your login and your domain (using the *.domain
format)  and your password.  This file lives in the ppp directory with
everything else. 

	I understand the frustration you may feel being unable to get PPP
to work properly with just a few clicks or keystrokes.  I myself was
stymied for quite some time, and I found the right text string more or
less by accident or trial-and-error.  Keep trying.

Good Luck,

Jeffrey Ohlmann