Subject: Re: Sync
To: Rick <>
From: Edward Seth Miller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/21/1997 10:38:51
On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Rick wrote:

> I am currently up and running  NetBSD on a IIci and everything "that I
> am aware of" seems to work, including X-Windows, except ps.  I know that
> there is some info in the faq regarding binaries being out of sync
> w/kernel.  This is surely my problem.  Can anyone school me on the exact
> procedure for bringing my binaries into sync with my kernel.  I'm
> running Generic #36, and the binaries are from sometime in May as I
> recall.

Well, since I just did the same thing to my IIci yesterday, I'm probably a 
pretty good person to talk to.  Actually, I went to #32, but I'd imagine 
it's pretty close...  The big things I noticed are that hostname.* was 
renamed to ifconfig.* and there was a little problem with fsck in #32 
(dunno if it's there in #36 or not, but I guess somebody else can help 
	To see the list of problems, follow the "fsck problem" thread...

> I recently downloaded the required binaries which should sync w/Generic
> #36.

Always a good first step.  I would recommend that you store any important 
files,  /etc files in particular, in a safe location, since /etc in general 
does need to be upgraded, I've discovered, and I'd imagine that something 
else will get modified too.  (Important /etc files, of course, may include 
such things as passwd, master.passwd, group, all of the networking files, 
and anything else that you have put some effort into...)  I'd imagine 
that there is another way to upgrade, but since Apple put so much effort 
into the MacOS, and Allen Briggs, Michael Finch, and Brad Grantham (sorry 
if I missed anybody) put so much effort into the Installer, I just went 
to MacOS and used the Installer to install from there.  (One place, BTW, 
to store files is in HFS.  Just cpout from the mini-shell, and then cpin 
again when you're done.  Of course, there's probably a bunch of better 
ideas, but I've never been one to do things the intelligent way...)
	At any rate, do all of that neat installing stuff (the installer 
pretty much spells that out...).  At this point, you can do what I do, 
which is immediately copy all of your files back in, or you can do what 
any sane person does, which is see if it boots first, and carefully 
replace the passwd files with your old ones, or better yet, edit the 
passwd files to match your old ones...  In theory, this should pretty 
much take care of everything; in practice, I recommend that you have 
another method of communicating with this mailing list...  The best laid 
plans of mice and men often go awry...

> Another question I have is:  what must I do to permit my Personal
> Laserwriter LS printer, or any printer for that matter to work with
> NetBSD?, if someone can steer me into the correct faq I'd greatly
> appreciate it.  Thanks

I'll let somebody who has a clue handle this part...

Good luck with the upgrade!

	-Seth Miller