Subject: Re: ppp FAQ suggestions
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/10/1997 11:44:08
I still have the same problem, using pppd built from August 2nd (+/- one
day) sources, and I am not using PAP - my ISP uses simple password
authentication.  Unfortuantely, they also have a 30-minute or so idle
timeout, so they will drop my connection occassionally.  pppd is set up to
persist, and usually it does, but after several (exact number not known)
disconnect/reconnect cycles, it will fail.  In those cases, it seems to
keep trying, but never establishes a viable connection;  it appears that
the LCP Hello's don't get responded to.  The only solution in this case is
to stop and restart pppd.

So, Yes, it still happens, and it doesn't require PAP to make it happen.

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, Dave Huang wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Aug 1997, William R. Dickson wrote:
> > "persist" doesn't quite work for me.  My connection drops once or twice a
> > day (crappy modem or crappy phone line, not sure which).  For 2-4 days,
> > pppd works as expected and the "persist" option detects the failure and
> > brings the connection back up.  But eventually, there comes a point where
> > the connection starts going up and down like a yo-yo; up for a couple
> > seconds, then down until persist decides to bring it back up, repeat ad
> > infinitum.  So I'm going back to the old ttys trick for the time being, as
> > described in the FAQ.  Anybody else seen behavior like this?
> Are you using PAP authentication? If you are, how old is your pppd? There
> was a problem, fixed around the end of June, that would cause pppd to quit
> working after a couple of connect/disconnect cycles if you were using PAP.
> Since that bug was fixed, I've been able to use demand and persist for
> weeks without having to kill and restart pppd. (Well, maybe 2 weeks max...
> my 386 that runs pppd panics with something like "lockmgr: locking against
> myself" every once in a while.)
> -- 
> Name: Dave Huang     |   Mammal, mammal / their names are called /
> INet:   |   they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
> FurryMUCK: Dahan     |   dolphin and dog / koala bear and hog -- TMBG
> Dahan: Hani G Y+C 21 Y++ L+++ W- C++ T++ A+ E+ S++ V++ F- Q+++ P+ B+ PA+ PL++

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Public Key fingerprint:  | E-mail addresses:     |
| Network Consultant |     0E 40 D2 FC 2A 13 74 A0  |    |
| and kernel hacker  |     E4 69 D5 BE 65 E4 56 C6  | |